Series Presto
The Presto series cajons are the best that the world of cajons has to offer. Precise craftsmanship, premium design and warm, clean and sophisticated sound give these instruments the sort of quality that will convince the most demanding percussionists with sophisticated taste. Because of the wide range of diverse sounds, the cajons in the Presto series can be ranked among the top handcrafted percussion instruments in the world. Our cajon is comprised of the most exotic, resonant and specially selected types of wood for the front striking surface and solid wood for the body (box). Another distinguishing feature is the easily operated mechanism for the snare wires that can be set up according to preference.
Series Adagio
For all those who wish to own a cajon of top-quality sound and design, the Adagio series offers models that differ according to the type of wood used on the front striking surface (face). The simple wire mechanism makes the Adagio series suitable for more demanding players because they can quickly set the snare wires to their desired effect level.
Series RGB
The entry point into the DP world.
Attractive and modern design, clearly defined bass and responsive front panel set the standard for the category of beginners instrument. Party BOX cajons are equipped with fixed internal nets, so they are perfect for playing on the go. The compact design is light and easy to carry to social events or acoustic concerts.